The Standing Stones - And What Lies Beneath

They were more clever than we, the Ancients who raised these monoliths. They
were unfettered by the mental grammar we call logic, and possessed of magic,
the original technology. Against the sky they set the standing stones to
challenge us and for centuries we puzzled over their meaning, all the while
ignorant of their true design. For the wonders lay beneath these
slabs of adamant, hidden in a dungeon fifteen levels deep, guarded by horrors
beyond the dreams of the insane. And here you have come, gentle adventurer,
filled with fervor, ardent for some desperate glory, innocent of the powers
and treasures of that earlier time. Fine. It's your life. Just don't come
whining to us about how terrible it was down there.
Peter Schmuckal | Design and C64 version |
Dan Sommers | Design |
Patch for a d64 disk image:
$152e3 | $04 -> $00 |
$152e4 | $60 -> $f1 |
$152e5 | $07 -> $d5 |
$152e6 | $17 -> $55 |